Anti-Cheat Toolkit  2024.0.0
Multi-purpose anti-cheat solution for Unity Engine
TimeCheatingDetector Class Reference

Inherits ACTkDetectorBase< TimeCheatingDetector >.


struct  OnlineTimeResult

Public Types

enum class  CheckResult {
  Unknown = 0 , CheckPassed = 5 , WrongTimeDetected = 10 , CheatDetected = 15 ,
  Error = 100
enum class  ErrorKind {
  NoError = 0 , IncorrectUri = 3 , OnlineTimeError = 5 , NotStarted = 10 ,
  AlreadyCheckingForCheat = 15 , Unknown = 100
enum class  RequestMethod { Head , Get }

Public Member Functions

delegate void OnlineTimeCallback (OnlineTimeResult result)
delegate void TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler (CheckResult result, ErrorKind error)
void TriggerDetection ()
bool ForceCheck ()
IEnumerator ForceCheckEnumerator ()
async Task< CheckResultForceCheckTask ()
bool IsReadyForForceCheck ()

Static Public Member Functions

static TimeCheatingDetector AddToSceneOrGetExisting ()
static TimeCheatingDetector StartDetection (TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler cheatCheckedEventHandler=null)
static TimeCheatingDetector StartDetection (float intervalMinutes, TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler cheatCheckedEventHandler=null)
static void StopDetection ()
static void Dispose ()
static IEnumerator GetOnlineTimeCoroutine (string url, OnlineTimeCallback callback, RequestMethod method=RequestMethod.Head)
static IEnumerator GetOnlineTimeCoroutine (Uri uri, OnlineTimeCallback callback, RequestMethod method=RequestMethod.Head)
static Task< OnlineTimeResultGetOnlineTimeTask (string url, RequestMethod method=RequestMethod.Head)
static Task< OnlineTimeResultGetOnlineTimeTask (string url, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, RequestMethod method=RequestMethod.Head)
static Task< OnlineTimeResultGetOnlineTimeTask (Uri uri, RequestMethod method=RequestMethod.Head)
static async Task< OnlineTimeResultGetOnlineTimeTask (Uri uri, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, RequestMethod method=RequestMethod.Head)

Public Attributes

RequestMethod requestMethod = RequestMethod.Head
int timeoutSeconds = 10
float interval = 5
int realCheatThreshold = 65
int wrongTimeThreshold = 65
bool ignoreSetCorrectTime = true
bool autoStart
bool autoDispose


string RequestUrl [get, set]
ErrorKind LastError [get]
CheckResult LastResult [get]
OnlineTimeResult LastOnlineTimeResult [get]
bool IsCheckingForCheat [get]
bool IsCheatDetected [get, protected set]
bool IsStarted [get, protected set]
bool IsRunning [get, protected set]


TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler CheatChecked
Action CheatDetected

Detailed Description

Allows to detect time cheating using time from any properly configured server (almost all servers around the web).

Requires Internet connection and appropriate 'android.permission.INTERNET' permission when used on Android platform.
Automatically switches to the current domain on WebGL (if RequestUrl leads to any external resource) to avoid CORS limitation.
Make sure your server returns correct Date response header value in case of problems.

Doesn't detects cheating if there is no Internet connection, should work even with weak connection though.
Just add it to any GameObject as usual or through the "GameObject > Create Other > Code Stage > Anti-Cheat Toolkit" menu to get started.
You can use detector completely from inspector without writing any code except the actual reaction on cheating.

Avoid using detectors from code at the Awake phase.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CheckResult

enum CheckResult

Describes possible detector check results.


Cheat detection was not started yet or is in progress.


Cheat check successfully passed and nor cheating nor wrong time was detected.


Direct time cheating was not detected but difference between local and online UTC clocks exceeds the wrongTimeThreshold.


Subsequent measurements difference of local and online time difference exceeded the realCheatThreshold.


There was error while making cheat check, please check LastError for details.

◆ ErrorKind

enum ErrorKind

Describes possible detector errors.


Indicates there were no any error registered.


Url set for the online time receiving is not a correct URI.


Error while receiving online time (check logs for error details).


Detector was not started yet. It should be started before performing any cheat checks.


Detector already checks for the cheat. Please make sure IsCheckingForCheat == false before trying to force another cheat check.


Something strange happened, please check logs for details.

◆ RequestMethod

enum RequestMethod

Method of the request to the server. Please consider Head by default and fall back to Get in case of problems.

Some servers do not like HEAD requests and sometimes treat it as a malicious bot activity and may temporary block the caller.
For such servers use GET method as a more compatible yet slower and loading all page data.


Preferable method as it requests only headers thus it runs faster and has minimal possible traffic.


More compatible method which loads whole content at the given URL.

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnlineTimeCallback()

delegate void OnlineTimeCallback ( OnlineTimeResult  result)

Delegate with result of online time receive attempt.

resultOnlineTimeResult instance with details about operation result.

◆ TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler()

delegate void TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler ( CheckResult  result,
ErrorKind  error 

Delegate with cheat check result.

resultResult of the cheat check.
errorKind of occured error, if any.

◆ AddToSceneOrGetExisting()

static TimeCheatingDetector AddToSceneOrGetExisting ( )

Creates new instance of the detector at scene if it doesn't exists. Make sure to call NOT from Awake phase.

New or existing instance of the detector.

◆ StartDetection() [1/2]

static TimeCheatingDetector StartDetection ( TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler  cheatCheckedEventHandler = null)

Starts detection with specified callback.

If you have detector in scene make sure it has empty Detection Event.
Creates a new detector instance if it doesn't exists in scene.

cheatCheckedEventHandlerMethod to call after each cheat check. Pass null if you wish to use event, set in detector inspector.

◆ StartDetection() [2/2]

static TimeCheatingDetector StartDetection ( float  intervalMinutes,
TimeCheatingDetectorEventHandler  cheatCheckedEventHandler = null 

Starts detection with specified callback using passed interval.

If you pass cheatCheckedCallback than make sure you have no filled Detection Event on detector instance in scene to avoid duplicate event calls.
Creates a new detector instance if it doesn't exists in scene.

intervalMinutesTime in minutes between checks. Overrides interval property.
cheatCheckedEventHandlerMethod to call after each cheat check. Pass null if you wish to use event, set in detector inspector.

◆ StopDetection()

static void StopDetection ( )

- Stops detector. Detector's component remains in the scene. Use Dispose() to completely remove detector.

◆ Dispose()

static void Dispose ( )

Stops and completely disposes detector component.

On dispose Detector follows 2 rules:

  • if Game Object's name is "Anti-Cheat Toolkit Detectors": it will be automatically destroyed if no other Detectors left attached regardless of any other components or children;
  • if Game Object's name is NOT "Anti-Cheat Toolkit Detectors": it will be automatically destroyed only if it has neither other components nor children attached;

◆ GetOnlineTimeCoroutine() [1/2]

static IEnumerator GetOnlineTimeCoroutine ( string  url,
OnlineTimeCallback  callback,
RequestMethod  method = RequestMethod.Head 

Receives UTC seconds from url. Runs asynchronously in coroutine.

Automatically switches to the current domain when running in WebGL to avoid CORS limitation.

urlAbsolute url to receive time from. Make sure this server has proper Date values in the response headers (almost all popular web sites are suitable).
callbackDelegate to call and pass OnlineTimeResult to.
methodMethod to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.

◆ GetOnlineTimeCoroutine() [2/2]

static IEnumerator GetOnlineTimeCoroutine ( Uri  uri,
OnlineTimeCallback  callback,
RequestMethod  method = RequestMethod.Head 

Receives UTC seconds from url. Runs asynchronously in coroutine.

Automatically switches to the current domain when running in WebGL to avoid CORS limitation.

uriAbsolute url to receive time from. Make sure this server has proper Date values in the response headers (almost all popular web sites are suitable).
callbackDelegate to call and pass OnlineTimeResult to.
methodMethod to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.

◆ GetOnlineTimeTask() [1/4]

static Task<OnlineTimeResult> GetOnlineTimeTask ( string  url,
RequestMethod  method = RequestMethod.Head 

Receives UTC seconds from url. Runs asynchronously.

Automatically switches to the current domain when running in WebGL to avoid CORS limitation.

urlAbsolute url to receive time from. Make sure this server has proper Date values in the response headers (almost all popular web sites are suitable).
methodMethod to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.
OnlineTimeResult with UTC seconds or error.

◆ GetOnlineTimeTask() [2/4]

static Task<OnlineTimeResult> GetOnlineTimeTask ( string  url,
System.Threading.CancellationToken  cancellationToken,
RequestMethod  method = RequestMethod.Head 

Receives UTC seconds from url. Runs asynchronously.

Automatically switches to the current domain when running in WebGL to avoid CORS limitation.

urlAbsolute url to receive time from. Make sure this server has proper Date values in the response headers (almost all popular web sites are suitable).
cancellationTokenCancellationToken to cancel the operation.
methodMethod to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.
OnlineTimeResult with UTC seconds or error.

◆ GetOnlineTimeTask() [3/4]

static Task<OnlineTimeResult> GetOnlineTimeTask ( Uri  uri,
RequestMethod  method = RequestMethod.Head 

Receives UTC seconds from url. Runs asynchronously.

Automatically switches to the current domain when running in WebGL to avoid CORS limitation.

uriAbsolute url to receive time from. Make sure this server has proper Date values in the response headers (almost all popular web sites are suitable).
methodMethod to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.
OnlineTimeResult with UTC seconds or error.

◆ GetOnlineTimeTask() [4/4]

static async Task<OnlineTimeResult> GetOnlineTimeTask ( Uri  uri,
System.Threading.CancellationToken  cancellationToken,
RequestMethod  method = RequestMethod.Head 

Receives UTC seconds from url. Runs asynchronously.

Automatically switches to the current domain when running in WebGL to avoid CORS limitation.

uriAbsolute url to receive time from. Make sure this server has proper Date values in the response headers (almost all popular web sites are suitable).
cancellationTokenCancellationToken to cancel the operation.
methodMethod to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.
OnlineTimeResult with UTC seconds or error.

◆ TriggerDetection()

void TriggerDetection ( )

Manually triggers cheating detection and invokes assigned events.

◆ ForceCheck()

bool ForceCheck ( )

Allows to manually execute cheating check. Restarts interval.

Listen for detector events to know about check result.

True if check was started.

◆ ForceCheckEnumerator()

IEnumerator ForceCheckEnumerator ( )

Allows to manually execute cheating check and wait for the completion within coroutine. Restarts interval.

Use inside of the coroutine and check LastResult property after yielding this method. Detector events will be invoked too. Example:

private IEnumerator MakeForcedCheck()
yield return TimeCheatingDetector.Instance.ForceCheckEnumerator();
// check TimeCheatingDetector.Instance.LastResult
// ...

◆ ForceCheckTask()

async Task<CheckResult> ForceCheckTask ( )

Allows to manually execute cheating check and wait for the completion within async method. Restarts interval.

Await this method in async method to wait for the check completion and to get the check result. Detector events will be invoked too. Disabled for WebGL platform.

private async void MakeForcedCheckAsync()
var result = await TimeCheatingDetector.Instance.ForceCheckTask();
// check result
// ...

◆ IsReadyForForceCheck()

bool IsReadyForForceCheck ( )

Call this to make sure detector is ready for the ForceCheck() call.

True if you can call the ForceCheck and False otherwise.

Member Data Documentation

◆ requestMethod

Method to use for url request. Use Head method if possible and fall back to get if server does not reply or block head requests.

◆ timeoutSeconds

int timeoutSeconds = 10

Online time request timeout in seconds. Request will be automatically aborted if server will not response in specified time.

◆ interval

float interval = 5

Time (in minutes) between detector checks. Set to 0 to disable automatic time checks and use ForceCheck(), ForceCheckEnumerator() or ForceCheckTask() to manually run a check.

◆ realCheatThreshold

int realCheatThreshold = 65

Maximum allowed difference between subsequent measurements, in minutes.

◆ wrongTimeThreshold

int wrongTimeThreshold = 65

Maximum allowed difference between local and online time, in minutes.

If online and local time difference exceed this threshold, detector will raise an event with

◆ ignoreSetCorrectTime

bool ignoreSetCorrectTime = true

Ignore case when time changes to be in sync with online correct time.

Wrong time threshold is taken into account.

◆ autoStart

bool autoStart

Allows to start detector automatically. Otherwise, you'll need to call StartDetection() method to start it.

Useful in conjunction with proper Detection Event configuration in the inspector. Allows to use detector without writing any code except the actual reaction on cheating.

◆ autoDispose

bool autoDispose

Detector component will be automatically disposed after firing callback if enabled. Otherwise, it will just stop internal processes.

On dispose Detector follows 2 rules:

  • if Game Object's name is "Anti-Cheat Toolkit": it will be automatically destroyed if no other Detectors left attached regardless of any other components or children;
  • if Game Object's name is NOT "Anti-Cheat Toolkit": it will be automatically destroyed only if it has neither other components nor children attached;

Property Documentation

◆ RequestUrl

string RequestUrl

Absolute URL which will return correct Date in response header to the HEAD request (nearly any popular web server out there including, etc.).

◆ LastError

ErrorKind LastError

Last detector error kind. Will be ErrorKind.NoError if there were no errors.

◆ LastResult

CheckResult LastResult

Last check result. Check LastError if this has value of CheckResult.Error.

◆ LastOnlineTimeResult

OnlineTimeResult LastOnlineTimeResult

Complete response data for the last time request.

◆ IsCheckingForCheat

bool IsCheckingForCheat

Allows to check if cheating check is currently in process.

◆ IsCheatDetected

bool IsCheatDetected
getprotected setinherited

Indicates if cheat was detected by this detector.

◆ IsStarted

bool IsStarted
getprotected setinherited

Allows to check if detector is started (stays true even when it's paused).

◆ IsRunning

bool IsRunning
getprotected setinherited

Allows to check if detection is currently running and not paused.

Event Documentation

◆ CheatChecked

Gets called after each cheat check and provides results of the check.

◆ CheatDetected

Action CheatDetected

Subscribe to this event to get notified when cheat will be detected.